Extending divisors from complete intersection surfaces

  • Jorge Caravantes Universdad de Cantabria
Keywords: Curves wiyh ample normal bundle, Infinitesimal neighbourhood, Picard group, Homogeneous spaces


The aim of this paper is to extend a theorem of Griffiths, Harris and Hulek [4], [6] on the extendability of divisors of a smooth complete intersection surface in P^n to the case when the ambient space is a product of projective spaces or a Grassmannian. The proofs generalize the proof of the result of Griffiths-Harris-Hulek given by Ellingsrud-Gruson-Peskine-Strømme in [3].

Author Biography

Jorge Caravantes, Universdad de Cantabria
Universdad de Cantabria
Facultad de Ciencias
Departamento de Matem´ aticas
Estadística y Computacón
39006, Santander, Spain