One parameter dual lorentzian spherical motions and ruled surfaces

  • Mehmet Ali Gungor Sakarya University
  • Murat Tosun Sakarya University
Keywords: Lorentz space, Ruled surfaces, Dual Lorentzian motions


In this work, we first introduced one parameter dual Lorentzian spherical motions in three dimensional dual Lorentz space D^3_1 and spacelike
and timelike ruled surfaces in three dimensional Lorentz space IR^3_1 corresponding to dual curves on dual Lorentz unit sphere S^2_1. After that we have given the relations on the velocities and instantaneous rotation axis for one parameter Lorentzian spherical motions in dual Lorentz space D^3_1, with some examples on these timelike and spacelike ruled surfaces. Finally we have obtained the theorem related to the acceleration, acceleration centres and acceleration axis for these one parameter dual Lorentzian spherical motions.



Author Biographies

Mehmet Ali Gungor, Sakarya University
Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Arts Sciences,
Sakarya, Turkey
Murat Tosun, Sakarya University
Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Arts Sciences,
Sakarya, Turkey